The Yearly Update Post
Well, it looks like I've neglected this "blog" long enough. It really isn't much of a blog, rather, a place of (not so) periodic updates. I've really just focused this site on my photo gallery. Speaking of the gallery, I did some updating recently. Previously, I hosted galleries for 3 other people: my sister, Amy, and my 2 former roommates, Joe and Marcus. Well, I decided to finally separate these galleries from my main gallery. As such, I've created two new subdomains. My gallery is now located at and the hosted galleries are at I really don't know how many people check out the hosted galleries, and so I'll soon get a better idea. Through some apache mod_rewrite magic, I've tried to make the old links backwards compatible, so they do a 301 redirect to the new locations. I did some quick tests and it worked without any hitches... for me. Your mileage may vary.
So that's an update on my site, how about what's going on with me? Well, a little less than a year ago, I moved to Santa Barbara, California and entered Corporate America. Santa Barbara has been great and is such a great place to live. I recently acquired a Hobie 18' from my Uncle and have been working to make it ship-shape as the boat has been sitting for at least 7 years. I've had to do a number of things to get it ready for sailing, but as of this past weekend, it was finally ready to sail. However, the weather wasn't as cooperative. One of the greatest things about Santa Barbara is the ability to get permits to park your cat on the beach. This should provide a new activity to consume me each weekend for quite some time.
As for my job, I am currently really enjoying it. My job has been a great mix of different skill sets, utilizing a large amount of my previous experiences, along with my education at Cal. In addition, the experience and knowledge I'm gaining at the job is awesome. I am 100% positive I made the right choice last year with coming to my current job.
So, this should be a pretty good update. We'll see how long it is until I post again, though I'll try to make it sooner rather than later.