Worldly Travels
I've had a bunch of ideas recently for my travel page that I've wanted to implement. However, in order to implement them, I've needed to rewrite the Javascript that powers the page. I chose to use the Prototype Javascript framework due to my familiarity with it and its browser compatibility. After some time spent rewriting the code, I was able to get the page back to the same feature set (for only like the 5th time).
The rewrite has allowed me to quickly and easily add two new features to the page. The first feature is the ability to view track segments. This means that I can have a track that is broken up into segments, and each segment can be shown individually. Currently, I don't have any trips that have track segments, but I may start taking advantage of that in the future.
Second, when no trip is selected on the travel page, something interesting is displayed. Now, all trips are aggregated together and shown on the map. So so you can get an idea of all the places I've been at a glance. Note that right now the page load is really slow. I know this and I know why it is slow, and I've got plans to address it.
As a final note, I've tested the page on Safari 3.1.1, Firefox 3.x and IE 7. With other browsers, your mileage may vary. And seriously, stop using IE, please. It hurts the internet.